Matthew 9:32-38
Nothing like this has ever been seen
Sin not only affects us spiritually and emotionally, but also physically. When we sin or experience the sins of others, our heart races or drops, the mouth dries up and our muscles get tense. Sin knocks us off our feet, makes us deaf to sound advice and often leaves us speechless. What did Christ do for us? He freed us from our sins. The mute speak, the deaf hear, and the lame walk. The Lord is restoring humanity to its original dignity.
In today's first reading, the prophet Hosea laments over Israel's decisions: "They made kings in Israel, but not by my authority; they established princes, but without my approval. With their silver and gold they made idols for themselves" (Hosea 8:4-7). The fall of man began with disobedience, and continues to this day! The Jews commandeered Israel, stripping away the Lord's authority and, as a consequence, the nation fell into one catastrophe after another. Because of their sin, or spiritual divorce, the Jewish nation was racked and torn apart with pain and suffering.
The demoniac is real and figurative of man and State.
Who can cure us from all our iniquities and cleanse us from all our sins? Who is the medicine man, or the ageless rock of salvation? JESUS THE LORD! "The idols have mouths but speak not; they have eyes but see not... They have hands but feel not; they have feet but walk not. Their makers shall be like them, everyone that trusts in them" (Psalm 115).
We fool ourselves to think that man holds the key to end war, discrimination, poverty and illness. Do we not yet realize that all of the above will be with us till sin disappears from the face of the earth! Christ is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. He breaks the spell, dispels the darkness, liberates the captives, heals the brokenhearted, wipes away tears, forgives sins, and leads us home to life everlasting.
The demons cannot stand in His way! They must depart whenever the Lord makes his presence felt. There is, once again, a Shepherd who leads His sheep. Obedience to God establishes order and drives the evil spirits away. Man begins to live like a man, in the image and likeness of his creator. The redeemed once again have eyes to see and ears to hear. He no longer stumbles and falls for he is made whole. Man comes back to life and finds his home, a world of beauty and wonder. God feeds and tends his flock.
The decisions we make today will determine the manner in which we live eternity. Democracy does not mean we are free to choose whatever we want. No! It means we have the right to choose the best - what is good, right and beautiful. This freedom however, allows us to be judged accordingly. Our sacrifices should always be pleasing to the one who has given it all. Our life must be sharpened with the word of God, which is the sword that cuts the head of the devil and renders "it" useless. Now that is something worth dying to see!
I love the way you always infuse HOPE into all your Gospels! God bless you =)
ReplyDeleteThe decisions we make today will determine the manner in which we live eternity.
ReplyDeleteThis is somewhat disturbing because it always seems like we can do what we want today and repent tomorrow. There's always another day, isn't there?
And yet it's also freeing to know that He can and does wash away all the sins of our past with confession and allows us to start over today and change our eternal destination:)
mmmm, what to do? Gamble on another day or make today, the day I change my final destination?