Luke 10:38-42
Mary Has Chosen the Better Part
I am sure that you have heard it said many, many times, “You have to slow down!” Every morning a teacher at The Highlands School would tell me to slow down and smell the roses. And I would tell her, “I do as I pass by them.”
Knowing Ourselves
The Lord must have known Martha very well, too well. Of course, he knows us too, very well. He knows everything about me. Nothing escapes him. God has given me the freedom to choose: “Choose life or death” (Dt 30:19). Of course we all prefer life, right? Then why the choice? Jesus invites us to live life to the full. Our life was meant to be lived to the full, not half-way. We should never feel guilty for praying. There may be many things that come our way; emergencies that need immediate attention. But prayer unites me to the One that can help me remain faithful. So pray. Pray for others as much as you pray for yourself. If you don't pray, then believe me, you will fall apart! Today, on the radio, I heard Sarah Palin discuss on Christian Radio how the Lord will not take the fire away from you, but will help you to get through it. Really? Immediately I thought of St. Joan of Arc! Why does God always have to answer my prayers the way I want him to? Prayer is necessary so that I can have the courage to step into the fire and, if the Lord wants me to, burn. Difficulties will occur in our lives. They will not disappear. But how I handle them will depend on how I pray! “I rejoice in my sufferings for your sake, and in my flesh I am filling up what is lacking in the afflictions of Christ on behalf of his body, the church” (Col 1:24). Pray for the conversion of sinners, pray for your perseverance and the Lord will bless you abundantly.
Knowing God
“Jesus entered a village where a Martha welcomed him.” It appears as though that was the end of Martha’s interaction with the Lord. In comes Mary. She sits at his feet listening to him speak. When we pray we dialogue, but it’s best to listen to God’s voice, His Word, then to speak much. After all, the Lord-of-Life has something to say to me. What did Christ tell Mary? Was he preparing them for the difficulties they would soon face? Mary and Martha were sisters, and they had a brother Lazarus. Every prayer is a reflection of the past and present, and a preparation for the future. Knowing God helps us to see His Way, His Truth and His Life in our life. This is the life of the Saints. This is the life that has been prepared for me. In Chapter 11 of St. John’s Gospel, we read the beautiful interaction (prayer) between Jesus, Martha and Mary. Their faith, at first shaken by the death of their brother, led them to the Easter acclamation “You are the Christ, the Son of God, who has come into the world” (Jn. 11:27). This is the fulfillment of prayer and this is what leads us to eternal life.
Bridge the Gap
Lord, help me to see things the way you see them. “To give whatever you want and to take whatever you give.”
Thank you Father Alfonse... This is a beautiful blog and a wonderful reminder of our need to speak always with God. Truly, anything that comes along can be surmounted with the help of God or allows us to praise God. Talking with God is vital but so is listening. May we all "choose the better part" in our daily journey. God Bless you Father Alfonse!
ReplyDeleteI have often questioned why Martha was so wrong--especially as a mom trying to take care of everyone...but I appreciate and love your perspective! I really need to be more devote in my prayer life and take the time for my relationships with God before I can truly care for others.
Thank you for your daily meditations!!!!