Who Is My Mother?
Leaving your family is probably the hardest thing to do. Of course when you are young you count the days when you will finally be on your own. As you get older, you begin to wish you could have those days back! The Lord was in his mother's presence for over 30 years. He was obedient to her and loved her to death. Mary isn't great just because she is the mother of Christ. She is great because she was faithful to God.
Who is Mary?
Mary taught Jesus how to fold his little hands and pray; how to notice the simple things in nature and comment on them with Wisdom from above. Christ's flesh is Mary's flesh. Christ's heart comes from Mary's heart. But Mary's greatness goes beyond the physical realm. If Mary had not said "yes" to God, our story would be completely different because of Mary.
Who is my mother?
A great mother prays that her child will be successful. But what does it mean to be successful? Does it mean a great job, material possessions, or a beautiful car and home? No! A mother should always be cautious for what she wishes for her children. She must keep in the front of her mind the warning of the Lord: "What good will it be for a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul?" (Mt 16:26) There is nothing wrong with wealth as long as you don't sacrifice your soul for it. A great mother wants her child to be successful on earth and in heaven." This was Mary's prayer and only prayer for her beloved child. She sacrificed for her child; corrected her child and was present in the life and death of her child for this very reason. Who is my mother? The woman who prays, breathes and wishes only the best for me; which means, the woman who wishes that I always follow the Will of God and make it to heaven. Just like our prayer to the Father, "Thy kingdom Come, Thy Will be done on earth as it is in heaven." Jesus was successful as he lay nailed to the Cross, lying in the tomb, and rising from the dead! This is success: when my will is united to His Will. For this reason, Mary was "blessed among women" - she said "yes" to the Father first.
Who are my brothers?
"Jesus stretched out his hand toward his disciples and said, 'Here is my mother and my brothers.'" He points to us. How embarrassing! He places me in the same category with his mother!! I am sure Mary is shaking her head in belief while the disciples are shaking them in disbelief. Jesus has called us, pointed to us, to be his brothers and sisters. Let's start acting like it. Let us ask the Lord in our prayer today to give us the grace to be what his mother was: holy and blessed among women.
I'm sending this to my adult daughter! I can't count the times she was upset with me for not giving her the answer or thing she wanted, when my response was, "My job is to get you to heaven"! She didn't like it one bit. Hopefully when that day comes, she will appreciate it!