Matthew 9:18-26
Your faith has saved you!
A young woman, suffering for years, came up behind Jesus and touched the tassel on his cloak. Jesus saw her, and said, “Courage, daughter! Your faith has saved you.” Pope Leo the great tells us, “virtue is nothing without trial or temptation for there is no conflict without an enemy and no victory without strife.”
The greatest enemy of faith is our fears. Fears created from our imagination and/or from past experiences. The Lord asks us to be child-like for a reason. Children do not have a long history of letdowns, of being lied to, of being hurt by others. Children believe in goodness. That’s what makes it so easy for them to believe in God. Do you believe in God’s goodness or has past experiences created Monsters of doubt?
An official came forward, knelt down before the Lord and said, “My daughter has just died. But come lay your hand on her, and she will live.” Did this official really believe in Jesus? Or was it one last desperate attempt from a desperate father?
As we meditate on these verses, we must remember that the woman and official showed great faith! They both had much to lose. The official his reputation; the woman her life! Faith, without trial, is no virtue. Yes, they were desperate. But desperation does not always lead down the proper path. They were lead to their knees and stood before the Lord. Is God good? His response is our answer.
The only reason why the Father sent his Son was because it was one last desperate attempt, from a desperate father, to save His dying children. Nothing else worked. No one else succeeded. Those he had sent were either ignored or killed. It would take a lot of blood –hemorrhages - sweat, tears and death to bring us to our knees and worship the Lord. Is God good? He is more than good! He is Our Father! He is our brother! He is our advocate! “Come to me all you who labor and are heavy burdened, and I will give you rest.” He will give you rest because He will carry your cross!
Faith in God means to believe in God’s goodness. Faith is what saves because faith brings us to the Lord. It allows us to go beyond our senses and intellect; to see beyond our sight, and to reach for the meaningless tassel of His cloak.
“And the news of this spread throughout all that land!”
May we spread the Good news today to all who suffer and are undergoing trials and temptations. And if we ourselves are experiencing such difficulties, may we approach the Lord with faith and love and drink our portion of His cup.
Remember, to believe in Christ means accepting Him. Accepting Him means following Him. Following Him means imitating Him.
Beautiful meditation !!!!!!!
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